Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Learning 2.0 Experience

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? I had a lot of fun playing with Flicker. One of my favorite things to do is to take pictures of my pug, so learning a new way to organize all my photos was really useful. Instead of setting up a myspace account, I setup a facebook account. I was able to find some old classmates of mine and even met my husband's aunt through Facebook.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? I feel a lot more comfortable with a range of things that are offered free via the internet. Some of the things I had heard of before and thought were silly, I now see their usefulness. This program has definitely inspired me to keep up with new things on the web and not to judge them before giving them a chance.

1 comment:

Sara said...

hehe... I found your blog despite the missing link ;)

And I'm glad you're enjoying facebook!